2018 Redshift SM Wont Charge


New member
New York, USA
Hello everyone,

I have a 2018 redshift sm and it has been sitting for the winter with 50% battery. Its getting nice out and i decided to plug it in and charge it but the bike is not readying the power cord being plugged in. i have tried multiple power outlets and cords cannot get bike to charge. Any ideas?


Well-known member
Forum's Sponsor
South San Francisco, CA
Hello everyone,

I have a 2018 redshift sm and it has been sitting for the winter with 50% battery. Its getting nice out and i decided to plug it in and charge it but the bike is not readying the power cord being plugged in. i have tried multiple power outlets and cords cannot get bike to charge. Any ideas?

First off, are there any error codes that appear when you plug in the on board? Do you hear any clicks? Are you using the provided SM power cord (It is a thicker cord)


Well-known member
Corona Ca
Do you have multitool? That would be the first place to start as there are quite a few On Board Charger parameters MT monitors and logs. I'm assuming the SM has the OBC setup. If not, the standard DCCP has a few quirks that I've seen regarding either not recognizing that the charger is connected OR not recognizing that the charger has been disconneded.

Blatant Moto

Well-known member
San francisco
My SM had this issue, forgot which code displayed.. Ended up being a connection in the charge port. Probably became buggered up from yanking on the cable when detaching it after a charge. Replaced the charge port and it worked perfectly. Am now very careful to pull the cable off with as little side load on the prongs as possible.


Sea ranch
Hi guys! I’m extremely sad to say I’m having a very similar issue. Last week I pigged in the SM to charge and it started charging as normal but about 5 seconds in there was a pop! It sounded like a mouse trap! I quickly unplugged the bike. No smoke, no smells of burning. I put the key back in and had a prompt of “cycle key to clear battery fault , or error “. After cycling the key there was an attempt to start charging them a prompt of “a/c voltage range 122v” but no charge followed. After waiting a few hours I tried again and it sounds like it was starting to charge with the familiar clicks and then a louder click and then a prompt of “charger overheated or wait for charger to cool”. After several more attempts with no success the headlight and tail light started delaying to turn on by about 5 seconds and now they don’t work at all. I was so stoked with this bike I bought a second SM. Sadly the tail light has never worked and the license plate light works intermittently and it recently came down with the code 37 humidity in the battery which after reading this awesome forum isn’t a big deal. Just another trip to BMW of Sf to clear the error with Mario. Does anyone know anyone with an extra OBC for the SM? Thanks for all the help from the great people on the forum especially rashid510!

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